Think Positive – Be Positive, Give It A Thought

“Your Attitude Begins with Your Choice of Thoughts, Think Positive – Be Positive”

Your attitude, also known as the mind’s tendencies and orientation, is critical to your emotional stability, learning capability and decision making process. Your attitude is your choice, you can choose to be positive or negative, it’s up to you.

A negative attitude is created by the use of hard harsh words in your thoughts. Thinking negative thoughts will lead you to a hard harsh attitude and thus a hard Saying070life. Your emotional state is one of anger and despair.

Negative thinking closes your mind to new ideas and thus limits your decision process to the same old options. You try the same thing and then get the same results.  How do you change your results?  By keeping in mind the saying, “When You Think Negative, Use Positive Reinterpretation to Adjust and Continue Forward”.

Re-think a negative thought with positive words, it will turn the thought positive and your attitude positive.   A positive attitude leads to happiness; Positive Thinking therefore is the key, seek out the positive.  Know that “Life does not happen to you, it responds to you”.

A positive attitude is the result of using positive words in your thoughts. By thinking positive thoughts and having a positive attitude your life becomes both gratifying and satisfying. Your emotional state is one of open-minded curiosity.  Increase your “Emotional Wealth” by learning to acknowledge and treasure life’s simple pleasures by Practicing gratitude and humility.  It is these simple small pleasures that add up and become the majority of your life experiences.

You are willing to listen to others, accept advice and therefore make better decisions. Because of a positive attitude, people and the opportunities they bring, will seek you out.

Keep in mind, that the people you socialize with affects your attitude and who you are. Your life will be easier, healthier and much more fulfilling with a positive attitude.

Always remember you are responsible for what you do.  Therefore always be you true self.

“Think Positive – Be Positive”

It’s really a simple process, don’t let a negative attitude get you down.  Learn the process of managing yourself, situations and being in the moment. Be grateful for what you have and don’t fret over what you do not have; for this is a negative trap.  

There is a self-improvement system created by Dr. Joe Vitale, called the Secret Mirror.  It  is a series of video interviews of one on one consultations between Dr. Joe and his students.  

You can see how he uses the mirror technique to unlock each individuals subconscious mind for answers.  Our subconscious is full of information.  We need to learn how to access it.   Keep in mind the saying, “Know that the Answer Lies Within”.  It’s inside of you. Click this Link To Access It.

The Secret Mirror

The Secret Mirror

The Secret Mirror

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2 Responses to Think Positive – Be Positive, Give It A Thought

  1. Anne says:

    Thanks for this David, I really enjoyed reading it.

  2. Thanks for keeping us on the positive road! Tell Elaine hi from me!
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