Stress And Anxiety In The Emergency Room, When You Need A Friend

Stress In The Emergency Room

“Friends are Family You Chose for Yourself!!!”

Ring! Ring!

It was my cell phone alerting me that someone was calling. I stopped typing and started looking for my phone beneath all the papers that were cluttered about my desk. “This is David” I answered. “Dave can you give me a ride to the emergency room?” my neighbor and close friend asked. “I’ll be right over” I replied.

The Concern:

That phone call was the start of a stress filled journey to the Emergency Room.  Bill (an alias), met me at the door and explained that his blood pressure had spiked high.  His regular Doctor was on vacation and his office had advised him to go to the Emergency Room. “Not a problem” I said.  We then jumped in the car and headed to the hospital.  A true friend is one that will come when it feels like the whole world has gone out!!! 

The First Stress-er:

Bill signed in and we looked for a seat in the crowded waiting room. The available seats were right across from a poor fellow who evidently had taken a fall.  He had labored breathing.  He was slumped and holding his arm as if something was broken.  He looked at us and mumbled “I think I broke my ribs.” I smiled and nodded and he simply looked back down and resumed his labored breathing.

Emotions flooded over me. This fellow was in so much pain and there was so little that I could do. I felt powerless, my anxiety level started to rise, even more so as blood trickled down his leg from the scrape on his knee.

Another Stress-er:

After 30 minutes passed, Bill was seen in the triage room. His blood pressure was still high, but all the other vitals were normal. “ It will be a little while.  The beds in the treatment room are full” the nurse said. “Oh wow more stress!”, I thought. I hope my friend doesn’t have a problem while we wait.  It took about two more hours of waiting before the nurse came out and called Bill’s name. We were escorted back to the ER treatment room. My friend was instructed to put on a gown and lay down on the bed.


A Doctor came in and asked all the appropriate questions. “I am going to order an EKG and a blood test.  When we get the results I will be back to speak with you.” he said while pulling back the curtain and stepping out. “This is normal stuff” I reassuringly said to Bill.  It is important to reassure one another, keep in mind the saying,“We All Stumble, Each of Us, That’s Why It’s Such a Comfort to Go Hand in Hand”.

A minute later the nurse returned.  She hooked up a blood pressure monitor, an EKG machine and started the recordings.  After the EKG, she said, “I’m going to take your blood draw and set up the IV.” She tied off his arm and out came the needle!  Now, I have had blood draws, but I normally look away.  This time I was curious and decided to watch. That was a mistake, even though I was not the one getting stuck with the needle.   Just the sight of it raised my blood pressure and I had to look away.


The blood draw was completed, the IV set in place and the nurse stepped out. Then I needed to step out.  The excuse was to use the restroom but I also needed to calm down.  A quick session of deep breathing and EFT Tapping.  I was only out for a few minutes and then I rejoined Bill at his bedside.  Then we started to wait and listen.

Sounds of the ER:

As Bill and I quietly waited for the test results and the Doctor to return, the sounds of the ER became obvious.  Groans from a man about three beds down and then a new patient arrives in the bed next to Bill.  The man tells the Doctor, “I am having chest pains.  I have four 80% blocked arteries and his list of problems and symptoms continued for several minutes. As I sat and listened, I wondered if this is what I am headed for?

Then, one of the hardest things I have ever had to hear.  The nurses station was right beside Bill’s bed and I heard a Doctor tell the attendant, “We need to contact Child Protective Services.  This 2 year old’s injuries are not consistent with the story they are giving”. I was really affected by what I heard.  I got up and stepped outside for a minute to relax, say a prayer, do some Breathing Exercises and gather myself remembering that Prayer does not Change God but that Prayer Changes He who Prays.  Then I realized that Bill couldn’t leave.  So, I decided to go back inside to offer support and conversation.  We needed to talk so that the sounds of the ER would no longer affect us.

Some Good News:

After about two more hours the Doctor came back and said, “Good News, there is no sign of a heart attack or stroke.  I want you to double up on your blood pressure medication and see your regular Doctor as soon as you can. You can go home now.”  I think that I was more relieved than Bill.

We went through the check out procedure and as we walked out to the car, I thought back to the sounds of the ER. What can I do to help?  The injured child, the heart patient and the fellow who had fallen.  The one thing we can all practice is kindness.  This simple gesture should be given by everyone to each other at every opportunity.


I pulled up at my neighbor’s house.  Bill expressed how appreciative he was and I said, “ No problem, you may have to drive me one day.  I’m glad you’ll be OK”.  “Do Little Things for Others, Sometimes those Little Things have a BIG Effect on their Day”


As I think back on this episode, I believe that my friend Bill handled the stress better than I did.  I was really affected by the experience and this is a small town ER.  I now really admire and appreciate the nurses, Doctors and first responders of our emergency services.  By keeping a positive attitude, using stress re-leaving techniques and realizing that “Nothing is a Waste of Time if You Use the Experience Wisely”, I was able to make the most out of this situation.

I always keep in mind the statement; “Wherever You Go, No Matter What the Weather, Always Bring Your Own Sunshine; SMILE”.  Make the most of a situation and stay in control of your emotions.  Also, there is a simple quick method to help with stressful situations.  It is called EFT or Tapping.  Click this link to find out more about this miraculous proven method,  EFT Tapping : When You Need A Friend!!!

Tell me your thoughts on stressful situations and the value of friendship.  For, “A Friend Knows the Song of Your Heart & Sings It Back to You When You Stray”.  What do you do to help yourself stay clam? Please comment below.  Also, take the time to join “The Conversation”.  Scroll up to the top right hand side of the page and hit the red “Click Here To Join” button.

Note: As always, before you perform any physical or mental exercise, check with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.

Thanks for Visiting Give It A Thought :-)

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6 Responses to Stress And Anxiety In The Emergency Room, When You Need A Friend

  1. Julia Neiman says:

    Now imagine someone with no insurance experiencing all that stress having to wonder what’s going to happen if they need some kind of surgery and rehab. Talk about stress.

    EFT is a good stress reliever. I sometimes forget to use that. I do deep breathing, play music in my head and I always take a book or magazine with me.

    I’m glad “Bill” is going to be okay. You’re a good friend David.
    Julia Neiman recently posted..7 Inspirational Quotes From Walt Disney About Entrepreneurship: Lesson 18 in the Empowering Young Entrepreneurs SeriesMy Profile

  2. David Wilson says:

    Bill did better that I did. All is good with him just increase meds and go see his doctor when he returns. I do like EFT, I don’t always tap on all the sites, just the side of the hand and reciting my statement helps.

  3. When I’m under a lot of stress, I’ve noticed thatsometimes I’m not breathing. I’m holding my breath.
    So one of the first things I do is to take deep breaths. This relieves the knot in my chest.
    The second thing I do is repeat my mantra in my head. This prevents me from thinking repetitive negative thoughts. These two strategies work pretty well for pretty well any situation.
    The last thing I do is remind my self that nothing lasts forever, and that nothing is more sure than change.
    I’ve gotten through some bad experiences with these methods.

  4. David Wilson says:

    What you have written here is so true. Especially that nothing last forever. I am so glad that you are willing to share your experience with us so that we all can learn. Thanks.

  5. Beth Brown says:

    Take it all in…we are all human, connected, by beauty and by pain; when you try to turn it off then the stress increases. Life happens all around us…I record it like fodder for my writing. I see you do that too.

  6. David Wilson says:

    Beth, Thanks for commenting. You are right, I do use my experiences to write, to think of what I could have done better, to learn and hopefully help others.

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